Showing all 3 results

  • Emulsified Turmeric Body Scrub


    Turmeric Body Scrub Exfoliates your skin removing dead skin cells, can be used on the face and body. Turmeric helps restore, balance and protect the skin. It helps with hyperpigmentation and the appearance of damage skin, age spots, various types of skin spots resulting in clearer and even skin tone.

  • Turmeric Body Butter


    Turmeric Body Butter It’s Anti-inflammatory, helps with body acne, eczema, psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions. It brightens the skin by correcting skin pigmentation, fades brown spots from the sun and fades discolored scars. Collagen production is boosted. Collagen is a vital protein that keeps our skin firm, supple and younger looking, this means our…

  • Turmeric Package


    Turmeric Package 3 Turmeric Soaps 4.5oz, 1 Emulsified Turmeric scrub 4oz, 1 Turmeric body butter 4oz Turmeric is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties, this helps persons who suffer from acne. Its antibacterial properties help cleanse the skin and provide vitamin E to restore the natural beauty of the skin, it works great for hyperpigmentation…